Choosing an appropriate or good web hosting service is fundamental for online businesses and this is the trickiest decision as well.There are many web hosting companies offering plethora of choices under various plans catering to your needs. However, not all are the same is equally applicable to web hosting providers as well.
The top common mistakes that people commit on selecting a web hosting service for their site are best avoided and they are:
First - Getting lured by the price: The web hosting companies claim offering the cheapest hosting plans and an array of services.
However, it is up to you to decide if they are right for you? A company that is ready to provide service at very low prices implies they have compromised on server quality, bandwidth, support staff or disk space.
Hence, it is best avoided and spending more is better so that you get extra features and required resources to run your site smoothly.
Second - Making uninformed decisions: See that you make informed decisions such that ask for enhanced security. They should offer you the flexibility of picking plans catering to your needs perfectly and so avoid making uninformed decisions.
Third - Multiple sites on one account- Hosting multiple domains is easier done under one server, but is not safer. It is best avoided as if the server is down; all your websites get strangled. To be on the safer edge, host on separate servers such that your show functions properly.
Fourth - Free web space- People fall for Free web space offer. It is best to stay clear from such offers. A free web services is sure to place advertisements over your web page for other websites. This will make your site lose its professional appeal and affect your business.
Fifth - Relying completely- Avoid relying completely on the hosting companies to have regular update and backup. The best safe side is to have your own backup as the data is more critical for you, not the hosting company.
Keeping the above points in mind, avoid making mistakes. Select a reliable web hosting service by doing proper research.