There is always a big war between web hosting companies to match and beat and offer a competitive web hosting price to the clients who are looking for web hosting services. You don’t have to just look at the web hosting pricing but also deeply review the web hosting plan and pricing offered like what sort of company you are dealing with and what are the package inclusion and what kind of web hosting company you would be dealing with. A good web hosting company don’t just keep their pricing competitive but they also prepare some excellent packages that one can review and choose for their business website. There could be a different pricing for unlimited domain hosting or in case you need unlimited bandwidth, you would be quoted a different web hosting price. It is all about what do you need and you have to review your web hosting requirement carefully.
Latest Control Panel
Free Server Upgrade
Server Locations in
United States / India
Fresh IP Addresses
Option for Linux / Windows
Free Data Migration Service
Unlimited Domains / Bandwidth
Unlimited File Transfer
Fully Managed Services
SSD Web Space
Forget slow website issue if you are hosted with HostJinni. Our server are cloud SSD server with SSD drive that offers extremely fast browsing speed to your clients. Our SSD drive is way faster than HDD drive..
Responsive 247 Support
We offer responsive technical support to all our clients and you get fast response from technical team with in 3 hour that either resolve your query or first response*. We have support available on ticket, phone call and website chat.
Fast & Secure Server
You get fast & extremely secure hosting server with You do not have to worry for website speed and safety as we take care this at server side only. You only have to focus on your website. Enjoy tension free services all the time.
Unlimited Features & Tools
With HostJinni services, client gets unlimited email ids, FTP, unlimited sub domains, bandwidth and more. Our panel offers tools to manage site like Email Forwarding, DNS Manager, Raw Log Files Access, PHP My Admin, stats, and POP3/SMTP Support.
Free cPanel / WHM
HostJinni provides world class easy control panel with its shared and reseller hosting services. You get cPanel / WHM control panel to manage your website easily without much technical knowledge, Create email id, ftp, sub domains, hosting package for clients..
100% Satisfaction Assured
We offer 100% satisfaction guarantee with our First 30 days Risk free Hosting offer. if you dont like our service for any reason, you dont need to pay us following terms of services. Get your full base price refund with in 30 days of services. no question asked.
At we have variety of affordable web hosting price to choose from. Be it a small website or a large business organization or ecommerce portal or something else, we do serve all sort of customers and we have prepares our web hosting plans accordingly and offers best web hosting pricing.
A very good suggestion for you to choose web hosting is start with a lower cost web hosting plan and gradually you can upgrade your package. Web hosting price may vary for personal website to business website and even higher plan comes when you choose to host your own virtual private server. New hosting companies may offer you lower pricing but they may not be having good technical support and quality server but if you choose HostJinni, you not need to worry for your hosting and website. We keep it up and running 247 with round the clock support. has been one of the leading web hosting company based in India offering web hosting services for over a decade. You can choose a better hosting plan with us and we promise you to provide quality web hosting service in affordable web hosting pricing. We run hosting offers time to time to help our clients to grab the opportunities for longer period and stay out of price increment worry for years.
High Speed Premium SSD Servers
Our premium high speed server makes your website 10 times faster than other hosting servers.
100% Network Uptime Guarantee
Our Datacenter are up and running 24/7 with 100% uptime Guaranteed!
Free Migration Service
Moving host is easy now. Just place your order and let us migrate your entire data for Free**
30 Days*
Money Back
Try Our high speed premium hosting service for 30 days - Risk Free!