Having a website is well begun with a small start initially and to get big later. This is an intelligent practice as you never know how big you want. Generally, a shared hosting package is a wise choice, to begin with, but with rapid expansion, it will affect the website viability and hinder the performance.
The Windows VPS hosting server lies between shared and dedicated server. However, when you receive more traffic, there is a compulsion need to upgrade from a VPS hosting server to a dedicated server.A dedicated server is renting an entire server resource or multiple servers together.
The biggest advantage is you have it all to yourself. However, there are situations when you actually need to consider for an upgrade from VPS hosting server to a Dedicated server:
When you have a video/media site. Media can be video or audio; it often takes much of the resources. If you have a site that in the near future is expected to or has become recently media-rich, especially the uploaded contents of users, then it is the right time to move upgrade to a dedicated server.Â
Large mailing attached or a massive e-mail campaign. Shared hosting services have limits and in case you have thousands of messages to send, it may result in a massive traffic jam and appear like a convoy of a truck passing a freeway during rush hours. Yes, this is the time to upgrade to a dedicated server.
If you need to directly control all accounts and users. Other solutions such as cloud and VPS may offer this need, yet will have restrictions. So if you wish to have direct control and allow you to remove or add additional accounts, without extra charges, you have the perfect reason to get an upgrade to a dedicated server.
You are providing custom web applications or software as a service. A dedicated server can be configured to various needs including UNIX to Mac or Windows, to individual components.
Growing with demand needs upgrading to a dedicated server as it represents Growth flexibility